Three approaches to relief printing by Alison Diamond, Ade Adesina RSA and Ian Burke

Three separate approaches to relief printing but a shared love of hand made printing, Lino cutting and woodcut. The mark of the gouge or the dot of the drill is the indication that a human has been involved with the creation and mark making of this image. In some cases it is a collaborative effort in mixing up the drawing and the mark making technique of two individuals. It is definitely not digital imagery however, this is what we prefer.

Ade Adesina RSA a Nigerian living in Aberdeen has won the annual prize 2023 of the Academies des beaux-arts. Ian Burke and Alison Diamond produce work in regional galleries and print fairs. The connection between all three is the use of relief print to achieve something personal and produce multiple images.

Exhibition Opening Times:
Tue, Wed, Fri - 10am-2pm

Sunday 29th September, 11am-3pm (Ian Burke will be stewarding the exhibition).
Sunday 6th October, TBC
Sunday 13th October, 11am-3pm (Alison Diamond will be stewarding the exhibition).

The exhibition is also free to enjoy during HAC events.
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